Hi lovies! Welcome back! I feel like it's been so long since I wrote a blog post when in reality it was literally just a week ago. Does anyone else feel like last week was a month ago? Anyway, for this week's post I've decided to talk about something that I'm sure all of us ladies go through when it comes to taking pictures. When I put this outfit on I felt super confident. Fast forward to 600 pictures later and I realized that I either A) was sadly mistaken about the way I thought I looked or B) my look just wasn't coming out very well on camera. Regardless, it's pretty discouraging and stressful when your pictures don't turn out the way you intend, especially when the career you are trying to build depends on it. Thankfully Jason is an angel and makes sure I get the shots that I want no matter what. We literally took more than 800 pictures and these 6 are the only ones that I genuinely loved. The point of me bringing all of this up is to remind you all that it's important for us not to get caught up in what we see on social media. Nobody is perfect no matter how much they try to convince you they are with their perfectly posed and edited pictures on Instagram. Sometimes it takes hours and several hundred pictures just to get that one shot that the world sees. Let's not forget the amount of photo editing that goes into most of those pictures as well. I try my best not to edit my photos too much because I pride myself on being as authentic as possible. However, I occasionally will have Jason edit out a pimple or a wrinkle in my shirt here and there if I'm feeling really insecure about it. Okay, sorry about the long ramble but I just felt like this was a good time to address this topic that I know is relatable for a lot of us. The moral of the story is, don't get caught up in all the social media hype. At the end of the day, we're all at home in dirty sweats with pimple cream on our faces 90% of the time these days anyway.
Oh, I almost forgot to talk about my outfit. Now I feel like I have to be quick because I just wrote a whole novel about a silly first world problem. Forgive me. It was another beautiful fall day so I created another fun layering look. You guys have seen me in a few of these custom crew necks and t-shirts that I am absolutely obsessed with. I love styling them with different types of denim. Now that the weather is cooler, I like to wear fitted turtlenecks underneath to add more dimension to the outfit. I styled it with an old pair of washed black denim and pulled out my sock booties. I recently ordered this purse from Mango in both the black and cream color and I love them! They're so soft and the perfect size to fit your basic necessities. All outfit details (or similar) are linked below. Until next time, tootles sugar plums! Xoxo
Outfit Deetz:
Sweatshirt: Simplystephjaye
Turtleneck: Mango
Jeans: Zara (a few years old but these are pretty much the same pair)
Boots: Zara (several years old but here are some other sock booties)
Purse: Mango
Sunglasses: Amazon